Arts & Culture The Herzfeld Foundation recognizes that arts and culture are vital to the wellbeing of a community. A vibrant arts and cultural community is one that offers diverse cultural experiences to everyone. A lively arts and cultural community seeks to promote artistic excellence, provides accessibility for all, and stimulates the creative and intellectual spirit.
In addition, the Foundation values and supports the role that arts education plays in expanding thinking, stimulating creativity, and enhancing self-awareness for children of all ages. The Foundation also encourages journalistic reporting and other initiatives that promote the importance of the arts and broaden awareness of the arts offerings that are available in our community.
Grant Considerations: In addition to supporting certain “bedrock” arts and culture organizations in Milwaukee, the Foundation considers grants in arts and culture for:
- Small arts groups in Milwaukee and neighborhood-based arts and culture programming and projects to help ensure our community has a thriving ecosystem of small, medium, and large arts and culture organizations.
- Arts education organizations that demonstrate innovation and collaboration, as well as arts education initiatives that enhance the exposure of young people to the arts and broaden their understanding and appreciation of the arts.
- Activities and initiatives that promote arts awareness and patronage, including journalistic reporting on the arts in metro Milwaukee.
We are particularly interested in supporting collaboration among arts and cultural organizations that helps to expand audiences for all groups and that produces organizational efficiencies. |